
How it works

Configuring your eCharta site to how you do business is quite simple. Our dedicated personnel will guide you with real time web meeting support.

Sign up risk free on the Pricing Page. You then have 30 days to setup and use your eCharta system. At the end of the 30 days, we will bill your charge card. If you decide to cancel the service within the first 30 days, just notify us by email and we will suspend access and not bill your card.

Upon signing up you will promptly receive an email with a temporary User name and password. These credentials will allow you to logon to a Web Portal where you will enter a little preliminary information that we will use to establish your custom eCharta site.

We will use the preliminary information you have provided to activate your site. Once your eCharta site is live on the web, you will receive an email with further information regarding how to personalize your eCharta site in the most efficient way for your business.

At the same time, we will schedule a time and day to meet virtually (via GoToMeeting) with the eCharta Company Administrator you have designated for your organization. During the virtual web meeting we will provide interactive training and guidance to complete the personalization of your eCharta site.

Documents can be uploaded singularly or in batches using several different methods. eCharta is particularly suitable for scanned image files although you can upload any file type into eCharta. All file types that can be converted (as example Microsoft Office formats) will have a PDF copy created. Whether creating a new PDF copy of a file or uploading an existing PDF, five OCR voting engines will automatically add optical character recognition to the PDF to make the content inside searchable. The PDF file will then be compressed and optimized for Fast Web Viewing.

At the time of upload, the information you provide to categorize and identify each document will be associated in the database for future searching purposes.
As an optional service, DCPi will work with your business to migrate your existing document collections into eCharta.

Document files are grouped together in associations called Portfolios according to their purpose in your business. As example, Human Resource documents may exist in one Portfolio, while Accounts Payable documents may reside in a different Portfolio and Engineering Blueprints may reside in yet another Portfolio. Portfolios, as well as the security rights to access a Portfolio is defined according to how your business operates.

Using the descriptive information (metadata) provided at the time of document upload, it is now possible to perform various filtered searches to drill down and locate the specific documents you are looking for. Filtered searching using metadata can be combined with full text keyword searching to extend searching to also include the textual content within individual files.

Multiple security settings give your Administrators the ability to determine which Users have access to which Document Portfolio. And according to the privileges granted by your Administrators for a User’s Group and Portfolio Access Role, individual Users can be restricted or allowed functions such as View Only, Print, Save, Download Native File, Send by Email, etc.

eCharta provides several different methods to offload a copy of a single file or multiple files at once. As example, assuming that your profile for the given Portfolio allows you this function, with the click of the mouse all the needed documents in the results list of a filtered search can be sent offloaded to your PC as a direct download. Or if the size of the download is too large, a secure link will be emailed to allow FTP transfer.

Provided the proper rights have been granted, a User can also offload to Excel or PDF all information about files in any search result list. These listings in Excel can be used as the foundation for business research and reporting.

With the correct privileges assigned by your Administrators, a User can email a document directly from the search results list. Options exist to send the email with a time sensitive link to the document or to send it as an attachment to the email.
For compliancy purposes, the details such as time, date and User of all documents offloaded or emailed are recorded to a transactional database table.

Nobody knows how your business operates as well as you do. That is why all administration aspects of your eCharta site is controlled by your designated personnel. DCPi support is available to answer any questions you might have on functionality and even best practices on how to add new or modify aspects of your eCharta configuration. Additionally, depending on the level of subscription, we provide hours of both Administrative and User Training via live web meetings every year.

eCharta has a range of different administrative features to help you optimize the value of the service according to your business. Here are a few of the features:

  • User Controlled Backups – Maintain your own backup of document portfolios on a periodic basis
  • Logon Restriction by IP Address – When enabled, restricts selected User’s to only logon to eCharta from predesignated IP addresses such as your offices or a set home address
  • Compliancy Tracking and Reporting including:
    • Upload and downloads of documents
    • Logon and Logoff times and dates of Users
    • Any changes to User profiles
    • Any changes to Portfolio document search tags and metadata
    • Any changes to your Company profile
  • Tiered System Roles – Five different System Roles can be assigned allowing and limiting functions related to the document portfolios, security settings, and User and Group profiles
  • Public Self Registration – When enabled, Inserts a link on your logon page which any public visitor can use to register a User account. The default security level for such User’s Portfolio access is preset by your Company Administrator
  • Site Branding – The subdomain name for your web URL as well as your logos, Privacy Statement and Terms of Use, Welcome Message, etc. are all determined by you

Frequently Asked Questions

The answers to your questions about how eCharta works and is able help your business can be found by clicking on the FAQs button.

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